In January, during one of Nashville’s epic “snow days” (where there was absolutely no snow after all!), I cozied up in the sweetest little Nashville airbnb with my ride-or-die hair and makeup gal, Rachel Wallace, and Nashville blogger gal pals Hunter Premo and Jasmine Sweet for a little Galentines Day Boudoir-sesh!
On top of it being just a really fun time with alllll the laughs, getting to connect with these women, share life experiences, uplift each others spirits, talk about our careers and equal opportunities - there was just a really, really incredible energy. I always say this, but its this kind of energy that is what I love most about boudoir sessions.. especially our BFF Boudoir sessions!
Without further ado, here are some favs and some popular boudoir questions answered for you guys!
Q: Are hair and makeup included?
A: Makeup is, and you are welcome to add a dry style to your session!
Q: How many outfits can I wear, do you provide them, and how do I know what to wear?
A: For a full session, I recommend 3-4. However, usually one outfit is always sentimental (like a cozy sweater or tee, or his jersey) or bridal. Another fun “outfit” is naked, wrapped up with a white sheet. I can send you a boudoir mood board after you book your session with outfit ideas, and I also have a (limited, but growing) boudoir rack in my home studio if you wanted to switch anything out!
Q: I’m so nervous!! I don’t know how to pose.
A: Guess what…. every photo you see that I post? She was nervous too ;) We try to set chill vibes when you show up for makeup - we chat through your makeup, you sip on champagne and we play whatever music hypes you up! When it comes to posing, I not only tell you what to do, I demonstrate beforehand.
Q: I’d love to do this, but I’m single!
A: GIRL SLAY. We have a lot of girls come in just for them, for the hype up! 10/10 recommend!
Q: How did you get into boudoir?
A: A dear friend and fellow photographer asked me to sit for a session - due to jobs, faith, modesty etc, we don’t get to share a lot of the stellar sessions we shoot. So she was asking me to shoot with her for free in exchange for getting to use the photos online. I of course said yes…Mind you, this is when my little boy was around 2.5 years old and to be honest, I dont think I’d felt truly sexy in about that long. If ever - because I was a late bloomer, always the cute kid, but literally didn’t know how to properly apply makeup or dress myself until probably a few years ago… but I trusted her, chugged a bottle of champs, and had a freaking blast. I loved the pictures I got back and felt my energy about myself shoot through the roof. It was a genuine turning point for me, probably a lifesaver in some ways. I’m so grateful for that experience and would love to give that to other women.
Q: I’d love to do this, but I really wanna lose 20 pounds first.
A: Listen girlfriend. You know yourself better than I do… and if you genuinely want a couple weeks to tone up, eat healthy so you FEEL good in front of the lens, then by all means do it. Or if you are truly using this as your treat at the end of a health-journey - HIGH. FIVE. SISTER. But do me a favor - go ahead and book a date. The retainer is small, it gets you on the calendar, and makes you ACTUALLY do the damn thing instead of making excuses. Also - you’re gonna look beautiful and feel amazing no matter what the number is on the scale, just remember that. Here, read some of these reviews so you don’t have to take it from me.
Q: Should I bring a photo checklist?
A: I always encourage you to screenshot some favs, but the girls who bring checklists usually never pull them out - we just cover that ground organically. Also, I always ask before each outfit change if theres anything specific you’d like in that outfit :)
Q: Do you retouch?
A: We chat open and candidly about this before your session starts. I always ask where you are most confident, and if there’s anything you feel less confident about. I definitely retouch anything impermanent to your body - bruises, scratches, that pesky zit - and if there’s a specific concern you want hidden (cellulite, etc) we discuss it upfront. We want you to look like your babe-ly self, so we try to get the best and most flattering angles for your body-type in-camera - and trust me, no matter if you’re a skinny gal or a curvy gal, there are poses and angles that work best for each and every body.
Q: How far out in advance can I book my session, and where do sessions usually take place?
A: I’ve had people book as far out as 8 or 9 months, and as close as a few weeks! My boudoir studio is located in my home, which is obviously free for you. If you’d prefer a different location I can help you find one! Some ladies have beautifully styled and naturally lit homes, and we can totally utilize that as well.
Q: Will you post my photos on the internet?
A: Any photo you ever see me share, I have had explicit permission to share. It’s totally optional so no pressure! Obviously it helps me promote my work so I definitely appreciate being able to share in any capacity: insta only, no tagging, no social media but website / private gallery sent only to future boudoir clients — whatever your restrictions are, I can work with ‘em! But if its a total NO, I totally understand - and I promise, you won’t hurt my feelings!
Q: Can I bring a friend?
A: Of course! But be aware - the best person to bring on set with you may not be your maid of honor or sister or BFF - ignore titles and think about who makes you LAUGH, who makes you feel COMFORTABLE, who can you goof in front of as well as show your sexy side… THAT is the friend to bring!!
I hope this has been helpful and informative!!! I’d love to see you in for a boudoir experience!!
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