The Math Behind Breastfeeding | MOTHERHOOD MAGIC


By the time this sweet babe is 6 months old, according to various accounts I’ve read online, I will have nursed my daughter for 912 hours, by conservative measures.
Let’s break that number down.
Per month- 152 hours.
Per week- 38 hours. A FULL. WORK. WEEK. Just in feedings alone- not counting any other aspect of parenting. Basically if you didn’t know, women are MAGIC and your mom is actually a superhero- go air-hug her NOW!💗
I realize I’m one of the lucky ones. My job allows me to stay home and juggle work and motherhood - sometimes really well, sometimes not at ALL. But sooo many women are forced to choose between how they want to nourish and raise their newborn at the cost of their career.

•Less than 60% of employers give PAID maternity leave.
•A minimum of 12 weeks of paid maternity leave is shown to lower chances of postpartum depression
•More than 120 countries provide paid maternity leave by LAW, excluding the USA, Australia and New Zealand according to the International Labour Organization.

If anything positive things comes out of this time we are living in, I hope it’s how we as a country choose to value each other going forward more than ever.

**not discounting those who choose not to breastfeed, not discounting dads, not discounting those who want to get right back to work - this is just part of my personal experience 💗 happy Friday friends!!

Rachel Tenpenny