Mid-Summer Life Recap - Baby, Home, Work and Mini Session Updates!

hi friends!


I can’t believe July is here already. We’re more than halfway through 2019, I’m more than halfway through this pregnancy, and once again I’m continuously amazed at how time just seems to fly by faster each year.

Derek and I really dove headstrong into 2019. We had been considering buying a house, but didn’t expect for the perfect one to fall into our laps and that the whole process would be as easy as it was. We were like.. did we really just buy a house??! We’re still getting settled in, trying to get everything how we like it annnnnd get everything ready to accommodate a new baby.


We found out last month that we are definitely having a baby girl - thankfully, because if yall knew how many people had been straight up requesting a baby girl from my uterus you’d be like “did the universe just will this to happen??” Starting firstly with Luke - he’s been talking to “baby sister” in my tummy for at least a year. We picked out her first name, too, but not her middle name just yet, so I can’t say much except her first name starts with an L, and she’s been pretty active and kicking me bunches the past few weeks.

This pregnancy is almost identical to how Luke’s pregnancy was, but the differences have been the areas where - at least for me - the old wives tales rang true. I was already SURE I was having a girl before we went for the ultrasound. I’ve heard with girls you crave more sweets - and I’ve been eating tons of watermelon (not surprising because its already my fav fruit!) but I’ve also been randomly wanting carrot cake.. or Airhead candy… or ice cream.. haha and these are not my normal requests for food! Also I’d always heard you are more emotional/hormonal with a girl, and…. I mean… 1000%. Random tearful outburts, very passionate mood swings… Derek is a saint. Oh - and the whole, “You show faster with your second baby” thing? YUP. According to my charts from last time, I’m not necessarily bigger in numbers, but my body definitely got to where it was wanting to go quicker. As long as baby is healthy though, I don’t mind.

The biggest question I’ve gotten on instagram + emails + texts is… will I be taking maternity leave, what’s my fall schedule, and will I be doing fall minis in October? I wanted to lay out my game plan for the fall so anyone making plans can book accordingly!


I will not be offering fall family minis in the traditional sense - meaning, I will not have one designated date for them in October. Because my weekends already include a wedding, physically I will not be able to handle adding a second 12-hour-day of shooting to a single weekend. Instead, I will be offering limited mini sessions throughout the course of October.

Q: How do I book, and when do you suggest booking family minis?

A: I’ve already begun booking them. I will be taking 2 per week. They must be booked on a weekday. Reach out to me via email preferably ( BRASSPENNY@GMAIL.COM ) with your desired date. If you are unsure of your fall calendar, it is best to pick a date in a week you think will work and go ahead and book. Closer to time, if schedules or weather are an issue, we can easily reschedule. These sessions will take place around 5 / 530pm. $350 total // 30 minutes // digital files included. $100 deposit books your session, and the remainder ($250) is due day of.

Q. Are you taking a maternity leave? What does the rest of your fall schedule look like?
A. I will not be taking a traditional maternity leave, because I feel like I will be able to go at the pace I need to after baby is here. Aside from what I already have booked in early November, I will not be booking anything else in November. December will be very limited bookings as well so I can recover and heal :) This means if you are thinking of Christmas Card photos OR Valentines Day Boudoir Photos, you will need to book BEFORE November or wait until January for boudoir.

Q. Any travel dates?
A. International travel is not my priority this year just for obvious reasons. I am still available for most travel work in the Southeast especially. Here’s a few days I’ll be traveling, if you’d like to set up a shoot while I’m in your area! :)
July 22-24 - Indianapolis, IN
Oct 8-10 - Houston, TX
Dec 11-16 - Charleston, SC

Love you guys - thanks for reading!
Swimwear Pictured: Kortni Jean Swim

Rachel Tenpenny