Mom's Favorite Accessory: A Watch by JORD

One of the more creative aspects of my job is sometimes, when I have some downtime (ha!), I make myself try new things - whether its a different shooting technique (like studio lighting), or I switch up my subject matter. It keeps me fresh and helps shake off the dust and SOMETIMES it even leads to fun new collabs, like this one, with Jord.

Derek can tell you, when it comes to wearing my apple watch… I just don’t. I fail at keeping it charged, and honestly it’s one more distraction on my wrist. Not to mention on wedding days when I’m all dressed up + needing to look fancy, it doesn’t always go with my outfit and it’s too easy to want to check that insta dm.

I had no idea where to start though, when it came to where to buy my own watch. There are so many gorgeous styles available, and I want soooo many different looks for different outfits. But to prioritize, I wanted something simple and professional to start with, something that would vibe with my all-black professional look. I also wanted the price point to be reasonable ($250 or less), and for it to be durable.

It was super fun teaming up with Jord to find the perfect style + fit for this mama. They helped me every step of the way, made finding my wrist size simple, and offered SO many pretty watches to choose from. AND their watches are made primarily from wood and other natural and reclaimed materials so you feel like you’re doin your part for the planet. So whether you’re shopping for him, for her, or looking to add sweet customizations like personal engraving - they got you. The movement and components inside are high quality and the overall craftsmanship of watch stands out, especially compared to any other wooden watches I’ve seen. Click here to view my unique watch!

They’ve offered a super fun giveaway for my readers - $100 off a watch of your choosing!! Follow the link below to enter!!


Rachel Tenpenny